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Pictures and videos from the Salsa Weekends and Salsa Camp




2016: watch video from the week for Advanced and Very Advanced here.


2016: watch video from the week for Beginners and Intermediate here.




Watch video from the week for Advanced and Very Advanced. Short version here. Long version here.


Watch video from the week for Beginners and Intermediate. Short version here. Long version here.


2013: see video here


2012: see video here





2016, both weeks: See the pictures from the weeks on Facebook here and here.


2014, both weeks: See the pictures from the weeks on Facebook here and here.


2013: See the pictures from the week on Facebook here.


2012: See the pictures from the week on Facebook here.


2011: See the pictures from the week on Facebook here.


2010: See the pictures from the week on Facebook here.


2008: See the pictures from the week here and here.



Pictures from Langebæk Kursus Center


See all the pictures here.



Pictures from Teaterhøjskolen Rødkilde


See all the pictures  here.


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